Martin Epp
Sacrificium - Coldspot
To be honest, at first I was lured in by the amazing look/design of T-Cymbals :) As I finally had the chance to test them, I was amazed and 100% convinced by their sound as well. These cymbals are exactly what I was searching for. Brilliant and clearly defined crashes with enough power, but also sensitive enough on light dynamics. Exactly what I need. The Ride is a "beautiful beast". I didn't expect it to be so versatile. The Bell is cutting through every sound wall for sure, while the edge is still sensitive enough to even "crash" on it. This China has just the perfect balance between power/volume & "trashiness". Overall T-Cymbals provide exactly what I have been searching for a long time!
  • Martin Epp's TC Set-up
Alexander Papadopoulos
Hunter Hagberg
United States
John Blackmon
United States